I’m a San Diego State University graduate with a degree in Computer Science, specializing in Full Stack Development. I have hands-on experience building scalable software and collaborating effectively with designers, data engineers, and developers. From database design to deployment and software maintenance, I’ve contributed across all phases of development. I excel in Python frameworks for backend development and JavaScript for frontend interfaces, while continuously expanding my skillset with emerging technologies. I thrive the most when there’s a clear goal to achieve—solving challenges to meet people’s needs and create impactful solutions.
Social networking site to find soccer teams in need of players or vice versa. Register, provide a description of yourself, and start searching!
Tools used: Python, Django, HTML, CSS, MySQL, AWS EC2 Instance
Generate a random password using filters or types of characters of your choice. For every filter checked your password will be provided with at least one character of the specified type.
Tools Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Answer as many multiplication problems correctly as you can in one minute.
Tools Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript